在雅思写作中,撰写柱状图(Bar Chart)的步骤如下:
开始时,简要介绍图表的主题和目的。例如:“The bar chart below illustrates the number of incidents and injuries per 100 million passenger miles travelled (PMT) by transportation type in 2002.”(下面的柱状图比较了2002年不同交通方式的事故和受伤人数每百万乘客英里数。)
逐一描述每个柱状图中的数据。注意包括起点、终点、最高点、最低点等关键数据。例如:“The first bar represents the number of incidents, which starts at 50 and rises to 70, then decreases to 60.”(第一个柱子代表事故数量,从50开始上升到70,然后下降到60。)
对数据进行分析,比较不同类别之间的差异和趋势。例如:“The national and international-fixed line has a steady increase from 30 to 50, while the mobile phone has a slower initial increase from 20 to 40 and then a sharp surge to 60.”(国内和国际固定电话从30上升到50,保持平稳;移动电话从20上升到40较慢,然后急剧上升到60。)
总结图表中的主要发现,并强调其重要性。例如:“Overall, the data shows a clear difference in the safety records of different transportation modes, with mobile phones having the highest number of incidents and injuries per million passenger miles travelled.”(总体来看,数据表明不同交通方式的安全记录有明显的差异,移动电话在每百万乘客英里数的事故和受伤数量上最高。)
可以简单总结或提出进一步的建议。例如:“This highlights the need for increased safety measures in the use of mobile phones while travelling.”(这突显了在旅行时使用移动电话时需要增加安全措施的重要性。)
“The bar chart below illustrates the number of incidents and injuries per 100 million passenger miles travelled (PMT) by transportation type in 2002. The first bar represents the number of incidents, which starts at 50 and rises to 70, then decreases to 60. The second bar shows the number of injuries, starting at 30 and increasing steadily to 50. The third bar, representing the number of incidents and injuries combined, starts at 80 and increases to 110. The national and international-fixed line has a steady increase from 30 to 50, while the mobile phone has a slower initial increase from 20 to 40 and then a sharp surge to 60. This highlights the need for increased safety measures in the use of mobile phones while travelling.”